Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Just some fun times eating goldfish at the park with my bros!!!

He's too cute for school!!!!

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We met a doggy too! 
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:) :) :)

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Everyone can post!

So, to any sisters out there, I just want you to know that you can post on this blog too! Whether it's for questions, advice, or just if you have a good idea, thing that you did, or advice for other people! So, if you wanna post, just email me at snickerdoodlepanda@gmail.com, and tell me what you wanna post about, and then I will tell you whether or not you can post it or not. Thanks! You are a great audience out there!

-Isabella Pasto (My virtual name is Meili P.)

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Sistah tips!!!!!!!!!!

Hi there! I know that I have abandoned this blog for a while, but I am going to resume it with gusto and excitement. So, here are a few sister tips for when you guys are babysitting your siblings, or just watching them while your Mom goes and grabs something:

- Never shout at your siblings, if it is really serious, then use a firm voice and tell them to stop it. 

- Entertain them. Things are more likely to be less chaotic if you make them happy and entertain them.

- Don't do something with them that you will get distracted by, it is more likely that they will go off and do something dangerous and not be by you at all times.

- The three things that usually make kids fussy:

  • Need diaper changed
  • Hungry
  • Sleepy/needs snuggling/needs to be spent time with
So that is pretty much all you need to know about babysitting your siblings, or anybody's kids!

Happy Babysitting!

-Bella Pasto

Thursday, October 8, 2015

First Blog Post

Calling all big sisters!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you think that there needs to be such a thing as sister blogs, and not just mommy blogs? Well I think there does, so here it is!